Following Too Closely

Clayton County accident report states that on August 5, 2018 Driver 2 was stopping for the red traffic light located at No Main Street, from the WB SR138.  Driver 1 did not stop and so struck the rear of Vehicle 2. There was only slight damage marks to the front of Vehicle 1 and no visible damage to Vehicle 2. The occupants of Vehicle 2 [...]

Following Too Closely 2018-08-11T19:53:25+00:00

Pay Close Attention When Backing Up

Clayton County accident report stated that on August 5, 2018 a unit was called to investigate a private property incident and Driver 1 advised that while backing up, she looked over her shoulder and did not see anything and so started to back into the refueling stall. As she backed into the stall, she felt the bump [...]

Pay Close Attention When Backing Up 2018-08-11T19:54:23+00:00

Too Close

Fulton County accident report stated that on  August 4, 2018 Driver 2 was waiting at the traffic light at Roswell Rd and Glenridge Drive when his vehicle was rear-ended by Vehicle 1. Driver 1 stated that he was about to turn but came to a complete stop as his car rear-ended Vehicle 2 unintentionally. No injuries were report and both [...]

Too Close 2018-08-11T19:58:17+00:00

A Rear Ending

Clayton County accident report stated that on  August 4, 2017 Driver 1 was traveling NB on SR85 in the left lane when she observed another vehicle traveling NB in the left lane at a high rate of speed, which caused her to merge over into the right lane and strike Vehicle 2, which was stopped, in the [...]

A Rear Ending 2018-08-11T19:59:17+00:00

Never Pass More Than One Vehicle At a Time

Fulton County accident report stated that on August 4, 2018  Driver 2 & 3 were at a standstill in the center lane when Vehicle 1 attempted to pass them in the lane to their left. Vehicle 1 came into their lane, hitting the driver's side of Vehicle 2 and the driver's front corner of Vehicle 2. Driver 1 [...]

Never Pass More Than One Vehicle At a Time 2018-08-11T20:00:12+00:00

Three Lanes to Cross is Often Dangerous

Clayton County accident report stated that on August 3, 2018 Driver 1 advised that he was on Upper Riverdale Road at the intersection of SR3 traveling SW in the right turning lane and struck the left rear side of Vehicle 2 with his front bumper. Driver 2 advised that he was in the right turning lane on [...]

Three Lanes to Cross is Often Dangerous 2018-08-11T20:01:45+00:00

Driving in the Center Lane

Cobb County accident report stated that on August 3, 2018 Driver 1 was attempting to make a left turn onto Roswell Road. He advised that drivers in lanes 1 &2 of Roswell Rd stopped and motioned him forward. When Vehicle 1 proceeded through lanes 1 & 2 on Roswell Rd South, he failed to see Vehicle 2 traveling in [...]

Driving in the Center Lane 2018-08-11T20:11:27+00:00

Hit and Run

Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 30, 2018 an officer was called to the scene of an accident  on I-85 SB.   Driver 2 advised that he was traveling SB on I-85 in the second lane when observed another vehicle speeding up behind him, when the other vehicle struck the right side of his Vehicle, and continued driving. Driver [...]

Hit and Run 2018-08-13T01:55:27+00:00

Driving on a Suspended License & Failure to Yield

Fulton County accident report stated that on July 29, 2018 Driver 1 was attempting to exit a shopping center parking lot on Roswell Rd at Hammond Dr. She said that she was about to turn left to go north, when she saw a vehicle pulling into the parking lot, as she pulled out.  She stated that she thought she had enough time to clear both [...]

Driving on a Suspended License & Failure to Yield 2018-08-11T20:24:40+00:00

Following Too Closely

Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 29, 2018 Vehicle 1 approached the intersection of Annistown Rd and DeShong Rd. Vehicle 3 started to make a left turn onto DeShong and stopped short, causing Vehicle 2 to also stop short and causing Vehicle 1 to rear end Vehicle 2.  Minor  injuries were reported bu [...]

Following Too Closely 2018-08-12T17:16:47+00:00
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