Pay Attention

Cobb County/Smyrna accident report stated that on May 11, 2015 Vehicle 1 was attempting to park her car facing the NB in front of the World Market.  The driver struck the South West side of the building with her front end. The collision was so powerful that when questioned Driver 1 had NO recall as [...]

Pay Attention 2017-10-01T15:33:52+00:00

Watch All The Lights

Fulton County/Union City accident report stated that on May 10, 2015 the driver in Vehicle 1 said he was traveling WB on SR14-A, in the left turn lane,  and had the green arrow, so he proceeded to turn onto Stonewall Tell Rd.  This driver told the officer called to the scene that Vehicle 2 was traveling [...]

Watch All The Lights 2017-10-01T15:28:48+00:00

Watch Out for Those Corners

Fulton County/Union City accident report stated that on May 10, 2015 the first driver was waiting for the traffic light to change at the intersection of SR138 and Jonesboro Rd.  He said the light turned green and he crossed over the  number two lane, and made a right turn on Jonesboro Rd when a car driving [...]

Watch Out for Those Corners 2017-10-01T15:27:59+00:00

Pay Attention, Pls

Clayton County accident report stated that on March 24, 2015 two vehicles were sitting in the middle center lane across from the BP gas station on W. Fayetteville Road, as the officer approached.  Based on the testimony given at the crash site it was easy to determine that Driver 1 was at fault.  Driver 2 [...]

Pay Attention, Pls 2017-10-01T01:30:56+00:00

Yield The Right of Way

Cobb County accident report stated that on March 24, 2015 Vehicle 1 pulled out of the Olive Garden's parking lot on Cobb Parkway facing West and pulling onto NB Cobb Parkway. The 2nd vehicle, Vehicle 2, was already traveling North on Cobb Parkway in the outside straight lane.  Driver 1 stated that as he exited [...]

Yield The Right of Way 2017-10-01T01:30:04+00:00

Patience Is a Virtue Even In Traffic

Fulton County accident report stated that on March 23, 2015 the driver of Vehicle 1 pulled out of the SteinMart  off of Mt. Vernon and Abernathy  into the outside straight lane.  She was about to pull into the GA 400S ramp when Vehicle 2 attempted to overtake Vehicle 2, passing V2, in the same lane.  Before Driver 1 could swerve [...]

Patience Is a Virtue Even In Traffic 2017-10-01T01:29:05+00:00

Don’t Take Your Eyes Off the Road WHILE Driving

Cobb County accident report stated that on March 22, 2015 two vehicles were in the left straight lane of South Cobb Drive NB and Vehicle 2 stopped abruptly, due to dropping and reaching for her phone.  The driver of Vehicle 1 tried to stop just as abruptly, without striking the car ahead, but could not.  Driver 2  was observed talking on [...]

Don’t Take Your Eyes Off the Road WHILE Driving 2017-10-01T01:25:52+00:00

Saved in the Nick of Time by an Angel!

Union City accident report stated that on March 22, 2015 Vehicle 1 was stuck on the train track near the Mallory Road intersection.    Driver 2 went over to see if he could assist him, as the train was approaching the vehicle.  Driver 2 was able to help Driver 1 out of the car, just before the train struck [...]

Saved in the Nick of Time by an Angel! 2017-10-01T01:24:34+00:00

License and Insurance

Clayton County accident  report stated that on March 21, 2015 that Drivers 1,2 &3 were all initially stopped at the traffic light facing South on Old National Highway at the North 85 on ramp.  As the traffic light  turned green, the first vehicle began moving and started the collide with Vehicle 2, which then pushed [...]

License and Insurance 2017-10-01T01:23:33+00:00

Changed Lanes

Cobb County accident report stated that on March 21, 2015 two drivers were traveling WB on the East West Connector near the WalMart at Austell Road.  Driver 1 was in the left turning lane and attempted to cross 2 lanes and ended up in the center lane.  At the same time Driver 2 attempted to do the same [...]

Changed Lanes 2017-10-01T01:22:04+00:00
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