Cobb County accident report stated that on  January 3, 2015  Vehicle 1 turned off  of  Village Parkway heading EB on Lake Park Drive, but due to Driver 1's being unfamiliar with the area and roadway set up, turned EB into the WB lanes.  Vehicle 2 was in the left lane of WB Lake Park when Vehicle 1 [...]

PAY ATTENTION! 2017-10-01T15:18:33+00:00

Don’t U-Turn, Go Straight

Cobb County accident report stated that on  December 27, 2014 Vehicle 1 was traveling SB on Cobb Parkway near the intersection of Lake Park Drive, SE.  Vehicle 2 was turning Left from the center turn lane on SB Cobb Parkway at the same intersection.  Vehicle 1 made an improper U-Turn from the inside lane causing Vehicle [...]

Don’t U-Turn, Go Straight 2017-10-01T15:17:19+00:00

Spared by a Piece of Paper

Cobb County accident report stated that on  December 26, 2014 both Vehicles 1 and 2 were traveling SB on S. Cobb Drive toward Concord Road when Vehicle 1 collided into the rear quarter panel of Vehicle 2 as a result of an improper lane change.  Minimal damage was done to both vehicles.  Neither party reported any injuries.  [...]

Spared by a Piece of Paper 2017-10-01T15:14:35+00:00

The Truth Prevails with a Witness

Cobb County accident report stated that on  December 22, 2014 Vehicle 1 was traveling NB on S. Cobb Drive at Powder Springs St in the left lane and that Vehicle 2 was also traveling NB on S. Cobb Drive in the right lane.  Vehicle 1 swerved in its lane and the front left bumper collided with the [...]

The Truth Prevails with a Witness 2017-10-01T15:13:35+00:00
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