Recent Accidents 2017-10-10T19:56:17+00:00

Look Both Ways Before You Leap

Cobb County accident report stated that on January 12, 2015 Vehicle 2 was EB on Windy Hill Road in the curb lane, driving straight.  Vehicle 1 was NB on Old Concord Road attempting to cross over Windy Hill and continue North on Old Concord Road.  Driver 1 failed to yield to Vehicle 2 when attempting to cross Windy Hill, thus causing Vehicle 2 to strike Vehicle 1 in the left front side section with the front section of Vehicle 2. Driver 2 complained of hand pain. Driver 1 had bleeding on the left side of his head.  Both drivers were transported to Kennestone Hospital by Metro. Driver 1 was cited for failure to yield when entering crossway.  Note: Entering Roadway Requires Extra Caution. 

Don’t Drive w/o a License

Cobb County accident reported that on January 10, 2015 Vehicle 1 was heading NB on Cooper Lake Road directly behind Vehicle 2.  Driver 2 was stopped on Cooper Lane Road due to the heavy traffic from the intersection of East/West Connector and Cooper Lake Road.  She said her foot slipped off  the brake pedal causing her vehicle to roll and strike Vehicle 2 in the rear.  Neither party complained of injuries.  Vehicle 2 was removed from the scene by Driver 2, but Vehicle 1 had to be removed by the friend of Driver 1, as Driver 1 was cited for following too closely and also for driving with a suspended license.  Note:  Driving with a suspended or revoked license is asking for a ticket or trip to jail. 

Error in Judgment

Cobb County accident report stated that on January 7, 2015 Driver 1 turned off of Atlanta Road into the parking lot of the Soho Gas Station at 3002 Atlanta Road, and as he maneuvered his vehicle into the right side of the parking lot to park, he pulled his tractor trailer in at too shallow an angle.  The trailer  pulled over the right side curb and ran over six small bushes on the property.  No injuries were reported and no citations were given, as this accident took place on private property. Note: Use proper judgment. 

Private Property

Cobb County accident report stated that on  January 7, 2015 Driver 1 was trying to exit a private drive (facing West on S. Cobb Drive) and tried to make a left turn onto S. Cobb Drive to travel SB.  Vehicle 2 was travelling NB on S. Cobb Drive in the center turn lane.  Driver 2 was trying to get to a private drive, the Metro PCS Store, and would have to make a left turn from that lane.  Traffic stopped for Vehicle 1 and Driver 1 exited the private drive, entering the roadway to make the left turn.  While Driver1 was crossing the roadway, he was struck by Vehicle 2, who failed to yield, in the center turn lane.  Driver 1 complained of an injury to the lower right side of his back & neck. Passenger 1 complained of injury to her collar bone & right knee. And Driver 2 complained of injury to the right rib cage. And there was air bag deployment on both vehicles.  All subjects were transported by Metro to Kennesaw Hospital for further treatment. Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield When Entering Roadway. Note: Play closer attention when driving onto private property. 

Left Turns

Cobb County accident report stated that on January 5, 2015 Driver 1 was making a left turn from travelling SB on S. Cobb Drive to go EB on Church Street.  He stated that he accelerated the vehicle because he saw Vehicle 2 attempting to stop to avoid hitting him in the cab area.  Driver 2 said that he was going NB on S. Cobb Drive when Vehicle 1 attempted the left turn onto Church Street and tried to stop but could not stop in time to avoid striking Vehicle 1.  There were no injuries reported and Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield Turning Left.  Note: Turning L requires more attention to the traffic’s speed.  


Cobb County accident report stated that on  January 3, 2015  Vehicle 1 turned off  of  Village Parkway heading EB on Lake Park Drive, but due to Driver 1’s being unfamiliar with the area and roadway set up, turned EB into the WB lanes.  Vehicle 2 was in the left lane of WB Lake Park when Vehicle 1 met Vehicle 2 head on.  Driver 2 made a quick evasive move to the right lane but was unable to get out o the way of Vehicle 1, quick enough.  The driver’s side front end of Vehicle 1 struck the driver’s door of Vehicle 2.  Driver 1 was cited for driving the wrong way on a one way roadway, as well as driving without a license.  Note:  Observe road signs at all times!  

Don’t U-Turn, Go Straight

Cobb County accident report stated that on  December 27, 2014 Vehicle 1 was traveling SB on Cobb Parkway near the intersection of Lake Park Drive, SE.  Vehicle 2 was turning Left from the center turn lane on SB Cobb Parkway at the same intersection.  Vehicle 1 made an improper U-Turn from the inside lane causing Vehicle 2 to strike Vehicle 1 in the left side quarter panel as Vehicle  2 turned left.  There was moderate damage to the left quarter panel of  Vehicle 1 and moderate damage to the right front bumper of Vehicle 2.  Passenger 1 was taken to the hospital with head pain and swelling to the head.  No other injuries were reported. Driver 1 was cited for Improper U-Turn.  Note:  U-Turns require extra attention both ways. 

Spared by a Piece of Paper

Cobb County accident report stated that on  December 26, 2014 both Vehicles 1 and 2 were traveling SB on S. Cobb Drive toward Concord Road when Vehicle 1 collided into the rear quarter panel of Vehicle 2 as a result of an improper lane change.  Minimal damage was done to both vehicles.  Neither party reported any injuries.  Driver 1 was cited for both Improper Lane Change and Failure to Produce Proof of Insurance.  She was able to provide the insurance Policy No, which reduced the 2nd citation to a warning, and saved her.  Note:  When driving make sure you carry all pertinent ID and Proof of Registration and Insurance.

The Truth Prevails with a Witness

Cobb County accident report stated that on  December 22, 2014 Vehicle 1 was traveling NB on S. Cobb Drive at Powder Springs St in the left lane and that Vehicle 2 was also traveling NB on S. Cobb Drive in the right lane.  Vehicle 1 swerved in its lane and the front left bumper collided with the left rear quarter panel of Vehicle 2.  Driver 1 stated that he never left his lane of travel and did not collide with Vehicle 2.  Witness 1 agreed with Driver 2 and stated that Driver 1 did swerve and collide w Vehicle 2.  Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Maintain Lane.  No injuries were reported.  Note:  By the testimony of two or more witnesses.

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