Failure to Yield to Oncoming Traffic
Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 27, 2018 Vehicle 1 was driving North on Medlock Bridge Rd and Bush Rd. Vehicle 2 made a right turn onto Medlock without stopping causing Vehicle 1 to run into the left rear panel of Vehicle 2. Significant damage was done to both vehicles. Driver 2 complained of injuries but denied medical attention. Driver 1 was cited for failure to yield to oncoming traffic.
One Car Length Behind
Cobb County accident report stated that on July 23, 2018 Vehicles 1 & 2 were traveling from the driveway of Cumberland Pkwy and Vehicle 2 entered following too closely and rammed Vehicle 1 while turning into the center lane. Vehicle 1 had damage to the rear driver’s side door and rear left panel. Driver 1 experienced pain in his arm but refused medical treatment. Driver 2 was cited for following too closely. Note: Keep your distance.
Pay Attention
Unincorporated DeKalb County accident report stated that on July 20, 2018 Vehicle 2 was traveling North on Northeast Expressway in the far right lane. Vehicle 1 was stopped on Woodcock Blvd at the stop sign attempting to make a left on NE Expressway. Vehicle 1struck Vehicle 2 on the passenger far rear side. Driver 1 stated that Driver 2 had improperly backed into his vehicle. Driver 2 had complaints of neck and back pain but refused EMS service. Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield, and Vehicle 1 had to be towed. Note: Paying attention when attempting to make left turns will save your vehicle and your driver’s record!
Stop and Go in Heavy Traffic Requires More Caution
DeKalb County accident report stated that on July 19, 2018 Vehicle 2 was traveling NB in lane 1 on I-285 near Memorial Drive. Vehicle 1 was traveling directly behind Vehicle 2. Driver 2 stated that the traffic was very heavy and as she was slowing down her vehicle was struck from behind by Vehicle 1. Driver 1 confirmed that she did hit Vehicle 2. No injuries were reported. Driver 1 was cited for Following Too Closely and was unable to move her vehicle. It was moved to the shoulder. Vehicle 2 was operable. Note: While driving in heavy, stop and go traffic, use extra caution!
Yielding is The Law
Gwinnett County officer was dispatched on July 19, 2018, to the intersection of Columbia Drive and Monica Drive in response to an accident. The report stated that Driver 1 was traveling SB on Columbia Drive and began to make a turn onto Monica Drive. Driver 2 was traveling SB and as a result of Driver 1’s left turn, Driver 2 collided with Driver 1. There were no injuries reported and all parties refused medical treatment. Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield While Turning Left. Note: It is always the left turning driver’s responsibility to yield to all oncoming traffic is clear!
The Bus Obscured Her Vision
Fulton County accident report stated that on July 18, 2018 Driver 1 was traveling WB on Coronet Way and was stopped in traffic behind Vehicle 2. She stated that Vehicle 2 was stopped behind a bus and began to move forward when it suddenly stopped due to the red light, which the driver only saw once the bus had proceeded. She then was unable to avoid striking Vehicle 2 in the rear. Driver 2 confirmed that this was correct. Driver 1 was cited for Following Too Closely. Note: A bus always prevents seeing the light change!!
Driving Without A License
DeKalb County accident report stated that on July 15, 2018 Driver 2 was traveling South on S. Hairston Rd and approached the intersection of S. Hairston and Elam Rd when Vehicle 1 made a right turn causing a collision at the intersection. He further stated that he had the green light. Driver 1 stated that she made the turn, and thought it was clear to pass at the time. There was moderate damage to the front driver’s side of Vehicle 1 and moderate damage to the right front passenger’s side of Vehicle 2. No injuries were reported. Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield. Driver 2 was cited Having No License.
Note: Don’t drive without your license, and please don’t get in accident w/o it!
Backing Up Can Be Dangerous
DeKalb County accident report stated that on July 15, 2018 Driver 1 was driving North on Boulevard NE and was about to make a right turn onto Ponce DeLeon Ave, when he pulled out too far and saw a car approaching from the East. He stated that he backed his vehicle up and struck the car behind him, which was vehicle 2. Driver 2 confirmed this statement saying that as he was driving North on Boulevard that Vehicle 1, which was in front of him, just backed up and struck his vehicle. No injuries were reported. Vehicle 1 had no damage, and Vehicle 2 had a slight crack in the front hood. Driver 1 was cited with Improper Backing. Note: Never back up with cars behind you.
Failure to Yield
Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 15, 2018 Vehicle 1 was driving East on Old Norcross Rd approaching Sugarloaf Pkwy, when Vehicle 2 swung out of Arbor Gate Lane without stopping, causing Vehicle 1 to hit Vehicle 2 on the left rear door. Damage was done to both cars. injuries were reported y both drivers. Driver 2 suffered back pain and scars on arm and legs. Driver 1 was cited with failure to yield.
Both Cited
Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 14, 2018 Vehicle 1 was driving on Duluth Hwy hit Vehicle 2 coming out of Hampton Woods Way. Driver 2 was furious and crying, screaming at Driver 1. He claimed that he had pain all over his body. He requested treatment and emergency responders arrived shortly after. Driver 1 was cited for speeding and Driver 2 was cited for failure to yield. No injuries were reported
Failure to Yield
Fulton County, City of Atlanta, accident report stated that on July 10, 2018 an officer was dispatched to the intersection of McDaniel St and Ralph David Abernathy. Driver 1 stated to the officer that he was traveling EB on Abernathy and had the green light to turn left but was struck in the front of his vehicle by Vehicle 2. Driver 2 stated that he was driving WB on Abernathy and had the green light and so proceeded through the intersection when Vehicle 1 ran into him trying to make the left in front of him. Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield. Note: The oncoming traffic always has the right of way.
Left Turn Must Yield
Fulton County accident report stated that on July 10, 2018 Vehicle 2 was traveling South on Fulton Industrial Boulevard. Vehicle 1 attempted a left turn onto Great Southwest Pkwy and in its attempt to make a left turn, failed to yield to the right of way. Subsequently, Vehicle 2 made impact with Vehicle 1. The debris from the accident struck Vehicle 3, which was sitting East on Great Southwest Pkwy, right in the middle of the windshield. Driver 1 was cited for Failure to Yield. Note: Before turning left, you must always yield to traffic.
Following Too Closely
Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 7, 2018 Vehicle 1 approached the intersection of Annistown Rd and DeShong Rd. Vehicle 3 started to make a left turn onto DeShong and stopped short, causing Vehicle 2 to also stop short and causing Vehicle 1 to rear end Vehicle 2. No injuries were reported. Driver 1 was cited for following too closely.
Stay at Least 1 Car Length Behind
Gwinnett County accident report stated that on July 4, 2018 Vehicle 1 approached the intersection of Five Forks Trickum Rd and Killian Hill Rd and stopped abruptly causing Vehicle 1 to rear end Vehicle 2. Substantial damage was done to the rear of Vehicle 1. Driver 1 received neck and back pain. EMT was called to the site and took Driver to the hospital. Driver 1 was cited for following too closely.
Slow Down When Approaching Slow Moving Traffic
Fulton County accident report stated that on July 1, 2018 Driver 2 was traveling WB on I-285 in lane 2. Vehicle 1 rear-ended Vehicle 2 while in motion. Driver 2 stated that while her vehicle was stopped and was struck from behind. Driver 1 stated that he was in fact behind Vehicle 2 when it stopped and was not able to stop his truck in time before rear-ending Vehicle 2. Both vehicles sustained moderate damage, but were both able to be driven away by their owners. No injuries were reported. Driver 1 was cited for Following Too Closely. Note: 1 Car Length.